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Do bubble water machines use air bombs

The bubble water machine requires the use of gas bombs, and the specific steps are as follows:
1. Prepare one bubble water machine and one food grade carbon dioxide bottle, 1 PET water bottle.
2. Remove the machine head counterclockwise, install the gas cylinder on the head clockwise, install the installed head on the machine body, and fill the PET water bottle to the water level before installing it on the machine.
3. Insert the carbon dioxide balloon, turn clockwise to inflate, stand still for 30 seconds, shake for 5 seconds, and press the head button to exit the balloon.
Due to the fact that this bubble water machine belongs to manual pressure relief, press the inflation button for 2-3 seconds, release the inflation button, and then press the release button. Hold the release button for 2 seconds to allow the bubble water machine to fully release pressure. After the pressure relief is completed, quickly remove the water bottle.
4. If the PET water bottle is not removed for a long time after pressing the drain button, and the water bottle is removed from the bubble machine again, it is necessary to press the drain button again and quickly remove the PET water bottle.